Refund Policy

We stand behind our plugin's quality and your satisfaction with it is important to us. If you change your mind about your purchase and have not yet downloaded our plugin, we will happily issue a full refund upon your request over the next 14 days.

If you have downloaded the plugin, the terms and conditions stated in this policy will apply.

When You Are Entitled to A Refund

You are fully protected by our 100% Money Back Guarantee. If during the next 14 days you experience an issue that makes the plugin unusable and we are unable to resolve it, we’ll happily consider offering a full refund of your money.

We consider the plugin unusable when:

  1. It is installed on your WordPress installation, the plugin leads to a fatal error.
  2. A particular integration stops working as a result of an API change on the server manager system's end or 3rd party's end. This doesn't constitute server or plugin firewall conflicts.

When You Are Not Entitled to A Refund

You are not entitled to a refund if:

  1. The plugin has missing features.
  2. There is a 3rd party conflict (consider hosting environments, website security policies, firewalls, plugins and themes). If you spot a conflict, let us know through our support channels and we may help resolve it.
  3. You lack the technical ability to make the plugin work.
  4. You have found a better alternative.
  5. You have changed your mind.
  6. This is your second refund request after a previous approved refund.

Create, Update and Delete Domain Based Email Accounts Directly from WordPress.

WP Email Manager makes it a breeze to create domain based email accounts from WordPress while integrating with Cloudflare DNS, WP Multisite, WP Ultimo, WooCommerce, MXroute, cPanel, DirectAdmin, 20i / StackCP, Mailcow, VestaCP, HestiaCP, Plesk & much more.

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