Do the following to obtain your SPanel API token:
- Login to your server’s admin area as an administrator.
- Under the Server Management tab, click on Manage API Tokens.
- On the manage tokens page, click on Create API Token.
- On the Create Token Popup, select User API token type, give it a name and select the account that will have this API Token.
Ensure that the following user token privileges are selected:- List Account’s Domains domain/listdomains
- Add a New Domain domain/adddomain
- Remove an Existing Domain domain/removedomain
- List a Domain’s DNS Zone domain/listdnszone
- Add a New DNS Zone Record domain/adddnsrecord
- Edit/Delete a DNS Zone Record domain/editdnszone
- Create a New Email Account email/createemailaccount
- Remove an Existing Email Account email/removeemailaccount
- Change Email Account’s Password email/emailaccountpassword
- Change Email Account’s Disk Quota email/changeemailquota
- Save the token in a safe place as it won’t be shown again.